2013 “Close to You” Festival

4 Oct. ~ 13 Oct., 2013
Wenzhou St. , Dadaocheng & Yong-Kang Area

Small scale, small audience and intimate space-- the three major elements of the Close To You Puppet Festival bring their audience a special experience of connecting life and theater. ~ Curator SHIH Pei-yu
Nowadays, most of the performing art productions focus on “great scale”, “big space” and “large audiences”. On the contrary, the Close To You Puppet Festival highlights “small scale” and “intimacy” in order to offer an alternative to the art environment of the creative process as well as the production process.
In the festival, artists manipulate small objects /puppets in a small non-traditional performing space in order to provide a small audience a closer look at the details of the performance.
Instead of sitting, we invite the audience to join a walking tour between shows so they can have a chance to reflect the show they just saw and look at the city from a different point of view.

Hopefully, through the show-viewing and walking tour design we are able to inspire the theater makers to think outside the box.
We also invite puppet masters from around the world to present their work. We would like to create a dialog of puppetry between their work and the new works that the local artists have created for the festival.

Our goal is to provide an experimental platform to promote the diversity of puppetry. We execute the concept at the familiar places in our daily life instead of in the theater.
The core value of the festival is to do its best on every single detail. All those “small” things are “big” things in our mind.

4 - 13 Oct 2013 Taipei Wenzhou St. , Dadaocheng & Yong-Kang Area
20mins / performance
*The total duration of each area tour (including walking) is about 100 minutes

《丑角之夢 The Jester》
[荷蘭] 夢想劇場 Theatre of Dreams
@ 魚木人文咖啡廚房 Yumu Cafe

《我和我自己的午茶時光 Teatime with me, myself and I》
[台灣] 周東彥 / 狠劇場 CHOU Tung-yen / Very Theatre
@ 書林書店 Bookman Books

《 陶氣 Pottery Cooperation》
[台灣] 鄭嘉音、吳其錚/無獨有偶劇團 Cheng Chia-yin & Wu Chi-zeng / Puppet & Its Double
@ 覓米藝文空間 Miimi gallery

★10.9-11 Thur.-Sat. 大稻埕區 Dadaocheng Area

《 循環 The Cycle of Things》
[荷蘭] 克林姆紙劇場 Grims Paper Theatre
@ 保安捌肆 Boan 84 Space

《女人回家的地圖 A Woman Going Home》
[台灣] 羅斌、伍姗姗、蔡易衛/台原偶戲團 Robin Erik Ruizendaal & Wu Shan-shan & Tsai Yi-wei/Taiyuan Puppet Theatre Company
@臻味茶苑 Chen-Wey Teahouse

《在肉舖裡學寫一首詩 Learning to write poetry in a Butcher's Shop》
[台灣]傅裕惠、薛美華 Fu Yu-hway & Hsueh Mei-hua
@ Fleisch福來許咖啡館 Fleisch Café

★10.11-13 Fri.-Sun. 永康街區Yong-Kang area

《蛇來的那一天The Scene Where We Learn to Handle Snakes》
[美國]克里斯葛林與艾琳歐爾 Chris Green & Erin Orr
@ 人來風 People Breeze Antique

《一 一 Double Blind 》
[台灣]Baboo / 翻訳会社|transxtrans
@ 咖啡小自由 Libero Coffee & Bar

《大學生伊凡的故事 The Student》
[台灣]王瑋廉/知常社 Weiwei Wang/LOGOS Ensemble
@ 一口文画 1-bite