2020 “Close to You” Festival

16 Oct.~ 25 Oct., 2020
Guting & Jiangzicui & Daan Area

Despite these unsettling times in 2020, fortunately, we still have the CLOSE to YOU International Performing Object Festival.
Shih Pei Yu

Despite these unsettling times in 2020, fortunately, we still have the CLOSE to YOU International Performing Object Festival. The manifestation of the "CLOSE to YOU International Performing Object Festival" is closely related to changes in the performing arts and the city; for instance, the redefining form of puppet theater, the evolution of the actor-audience relationship, and evolving ways of alley exploration to segment the audience. Also, there are questions like "can people gather here?" or "will the weather be comfortable for people to walk?". All of these factors affect "what is CLOSE to YOU festival?". Looking back on various journeys we have embarked on over the past ten years, the eighth edition of the festival was renamed to refine its core values. Now, with its official name "Close to YOU International Performing Object Festival, " the term "Performing Object" indicates a broader range of performances. In addition to the existing puppet theater, the festival will include more contemporary visual narratives while still keeping its signature of "walking and theatergoing." In terms of art creation, the production will focus more on our core values. This year, we present you with nine programs from Taiwanese artists. Each program closely echoes the core values. Objects are used, projected, associated, entrusted with emotions, translated, borrowed, or used as a means. The artists extract creative, fantastic ideas from daily life. Life is full of vicissitudes. In the fall of 2020, we are blessed that we can continue to carry out our promise, seeing you wearing our signature pin and laughing with you. Maybe, little by little, when our lives return to normality, our hearts will feel more at ease.

16-25 October 2020, Guting Area & Jiangzicui Area & Daan Area, Taipei City
20mins / performance

★ Guting Area

"Take Me Home"

[Taiwan] CHENG Hsuan-Hsun X ZHAN Jie
►objects & Live video
@ Wistaria Tea House


[Taiwan] Lo Chi-Hsuan, Liu Wen-Cheng
►music & physical performance
@ Yin Hai-kuang Residence

"A Suit Case of Taipei"

[Taiwan] SHIH Pei-yu, OU Carrie, YU Huan-Fu
►Video, Live video, Objects, Puppets & Music
► non verbal
@ Flip Flops Theatre

★Jiangzicui Area


[Taiwan] Tseng Yen-Ting╱Uncertain Studio
@ Near Home

"Planting a Baby"《種小孩》

[Taiwan] Mong-Han Liang, Chia-Hao Chen
►Puppets & Objects
►non verbal
@Floral Vintage

"Social ties"

[Taiwan] Chuang Chih-Heng
► Light, Shadows, Music & Video
► non verbal
@ Little Sparrow

★Daan Area

" .trace"

[Taiwan] Chen Guan-Lin, Lai Lisa
►Sound, Light and shadow, Objects &Live video
►non verbal
@ Ya Room


[Taiwan] Ming-Chen & CHIU, Bo-Hsiang
►non verbal
@Flying Group Theatre

"Steps of Grief"

Wang Shih-Chi, LIU Hsiang, Lo Wan-Yu
►Light and shadow & Objects
►non verbal