超親密小戲節 江子翠


  • PVC

    曾彥婷 Tseng Yen-Ting╱測不準工作室 Uncertain Studio

    A) 由碳原子和氫原子組成的長長分子鏈
    B) 出現在羅蘭巴特的神話學中
    C) 世界最大的塑膠原料工業園區在臺灣
    D) 吸管
    E) 以上皆非

    Which of the following descriptions about "plastics" is wrong?
    A) A long molecular chain consisted of carbon atoms and hydrogen atoms
    B) Mentioned in Roland Barthes' Mythologies
    C) The world's largest plastic material industrial park is in Taiwan.
    D) Straws
    E) None of the above

    ►物件 Objectss
    ►中文 Chinese

    旧宅在 Near Home
    No. 2, Lane 72, Songjiang Street, Banqiao District, New Taipei City

  • 種小孩 Planting a Baby

    梁夢涵Mong-Han Liang、陳佳豪Chia-Hao Chen

    一個種不出小孩的女人,想和大家一樣種出小孩,她試了各種種植方式, 卻不斷的長出奇怪的東西,女人沒辦法處理這些東西,只好把他們又埋進土堆裡,一直到這個土堆,有一天成為了一座山...

    A woman who wanted to plant a baby like everyone else but failed. She tried various ways of planting but always grew something strange. The woman did not know how to handle these things, so she buried them into a mound. Again and again, until one day, this mound has grown into a mountain...

    ►偶、物件 Puppets & Objects
    ►無語言 non verbal

    Floral Vintage花藝風格店
    No.5, Aly. 1, Ln. 263, Sec. 2, Wenhua Rd., Banqiao Dist., New Taipei City

  • 實線╱虛線 Social ties

    莊知恆 Chuang Chih-Heng

    2019/06/12 10:37 PM 「嘿~~漢克,我是知恆,好久不見…阿姆斯特丹的天氣還好嗎?今早和麥可恰巧聊到你,才知道上個月你身體檢查出癌症,這個突如其來的消息讓我太震驚了;想說趕緊捎個訊息給你,以我最大的能量給予祝福,幫你打氣!~~~ 保持聯絡,我相信一切都會好轉的,加油!!」

    2019/06/13 08:01 AM

    2019/06/12 10:37 PM
    "Hi Henk, I am Heng. It's been a long time. How's Amsterdam? I was talking with Michael this morning and learned that you were diagnosed with cancer last month. I was shocked by the news, so I am sending this message to give you my best wishes and encourage you to stay strong!~~~ Stay in touch, I believe you will get well soon. Take care!!"

    2019/06/13 08:01 AM "Dear Heng, Henk passed away last night... Thank you for your wishes. Best regards."
    Titia (Henk's wife)

    ►光、影、音樂 Light, Shadows & Music
    ►無語言 non verbal

    小麻雀二手衣 Little Sparrow
    No.46, Ln. 125, Sec. 2, Wenhua Rd., Banqiao Dist., New Taipei City

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